A look at some of the best restaurants in the world, some world-famous and some hidden gems tucked away in a nook of serenity Gone are the days when food only needed to taste good, ...
It’s time we stopped following fad diets and eating food that keeps us glowing with health. Try a diet that is rich in antioxidants, which are found in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The best part ...
Summer fruits are the kind that ooze delicious, fruity nectar with every bite, often leaving your chin a sticky mess! These fleshy fruits can be used to make scrumptious puddings, drinks, and salads. Before you ...
You can actually eat your way to a good mood! Certain foods are better than others at cheering you up. Bananas, for instance, are filled chocka- block with essential nutrients like vitamins A, B6 and ...
Wholesome Rhapsody, a Chennai-based bakery, makes customized desserts for people with cancer and other diseases By Rosy Jose Chennai-based Abhay was determined to celebrate his mom’s birthday with great pomp this year. Over the last ...
When it comes to quick snacks, nuts are easily a favourite choice. Be it walnuts, pistachios, pecans, pumpkin seeds, almonds, peanuts, or cashews, nuts and seeds are some of the highest sources of plant proteins. ...
Our resolution to eat healthy often goes for a toss when it comes down to snacking. Fried snacks do not have to be your only go-to choices. Try these simple-to-make, healthy snacks that you can ...
Come winter, and everyone is fighting off a cold or fever. Try these yummy juice recipes that will have your immune system fighting fit again. All these recipes involve simply blitzing the ingredients in a ...
Will organic produce put a dent in your wallet or your cancer risk? Here’s an eye-opener. By Aatika H Jain Eating healthier has become synonymous with organic food. We think if it is labeled organic, ...