
Editor’s Note – June 2018

By Wecanserve Magazine

June 01, 2018

The miracle of medicine: For centuries, India has been at the forefront of traditional medicine, particularly Ayurveda. The world has now woken up to the fact that the country has more to offer, in terms of the value proposition that is medical value travel, or medical tourism as it is commonly known. India, and many Asian countries, for that matter, are leading the brigade, thanks to thoughtful investment in cutting-edge infrastructure as well as medical experts who are considered leaders in their respective fields. Patients come to India for treatments that cut across sectors, from oncology to neurology and cardiology. Throw in a little sightseeing for the not-gravely-ill, and these patients go back as healed, refreshed and happy travelers.

One of the leading reasons for India excelling in medical value travel is the country’s focus on medical education. In this month’s interview, Dr Purvish Parikh details how he would like to bring about a change in oncology training, focusing on the unmet needs, or areas that fall through the gaps in regular medical training. He is also keen on increasing the focus on clinical research and trials. This issue also looks at the stem cell donation scenario in India and the lowdown on the Supreme Court directive on living wills. And in a delightful back-of-the-book read, we have a travel section that focuses on the Czech Republic, healthy snacking options and tips to boost your productivity.

Dr Ulhas Ganu Editor-in-Chief