November 2018

The Land of Everything

By Wecanserve Magazine

November 01, 2018

India, the land that is as culturally diverse and vibrant as its landscapes. Let’s take a look at some of the much-seen representations of India through a different perspective.

Spiritual Retreat

India is often portrayed as the land of the mystical, even the extremely pious. Here’s a look at the aesthetics of spirituality.

Rural Retreat

Countless pictures abound of India’s rural poor, looking lost, forlorn and dejected in the face of life. Here’s a countenance of confidence.

The Wild Life

What better picture to represent the National Animal than one which shows it alert and panning the horizon, ready to take on anything?

Irresistible Beauty

The greatest monument to love, the Taj Mahal, from a rarely-seen perspective.

Pachyderm Calling

India has learned to co-exist with the animals that make up the country’s fauna, and in many cases, to put them to use too.

Happy Tripper

Go anywhere in India, and it is unlikely that one would not have stepped into a three-wheeler for a bumpy yet familiar ride.