Can stress cause cancer? Check out these 5 shocking facts!


The cure to many diseases is unknown, but the known cause for many of them is stress!

The big debate of the moment is can stress cause cancer? Stress triggers a high alert situation in the body. The entire body concentrates on surviving through the dangerous situation. The heart rate increases, blood pressure rises and hearing becomes sharper. The muscles tighten, breathing becomes rapid, sugar secretes faster. Blood flows to the brain and muscles away from the stomach and intestines. This affects the normal functions of the body like digestion and elimination.

1. Chronic Stress and Cancer

Chronic stress often creeps in unhappy relationships, dissatisfied jobs or ailing patients

Several studies and researches have offered different insights into this association. But one thing that everyone agreed upon was the indirect effects of chronic stress on cancer.

Acute stress or temporary stress does not cause as much harm as compared to chronic stress. Chronic stress often creeps in unhappy relationships, dissatisfied jobs or ailing patients. This chronic stress opens the door to a myriad of disorders

2. Chronic stress weakens immunity

Many researchers have proved that chronic stress impairs the immune response. It erodes the body’s natural defense system. A weakened immune system makes one vulnerable to diseases, infections, and inflammations. It also lowers the body’s capability to fight the cancer cells.

Also, another growing area in the fight against cancer is immunotherapy. Immunotherapy employs the body’s own immune system to fight the disease. So, a strong immune system not only helps in preventing cancer but also plays a crucial role in fighting cancer. It also prevents infections in cancer patients undergoing treatment.

3. Chronic Stress causes cancer causatives

chronic stress is a known culprit of diseases like gastritis and obesity

Furthermore, chronic stress is a known culprit of diseases like gastritis and obesity. Both of these are linked to cancer. Prolonged gastritis is associated with gastrointestinal cancers. Obesity is linked to a myriad of cancer types. Stress is also suspected to be a risk factor for breast cancer and prostate cancer.

4. Chronic Stress encourages cancer-risk behaviours

Stress often leads to a sedentary lifestyle. It also increases the risk of smoking, alcohol abuse and an unhealthy diet. Smoking is a leading cause of cancer. Alcohol is also a contributor. An unhealthy diet disrupts the complete system.

5. Chronic stress can speed up cancer spread

Researches suggested that chronic stress can speed up the spread of cancer cells

Though no direct link has been established between stress and cancer. But researches suggested that chronic stress can speed up the spread of cancer cells. In a stressed environment, neurotransmitters like norepinephrine are released, which stimulate cancer cells. This causes the cancer cells to expand and spread quicker.

How to manage chronic stress and reduce the risk of cancer?

The mental and physical health parameters are not isolated or unrelated. They are the two sides of the same coin. A hole in one side is sure to reflect on the other side as well. Hence, it is very crucial to address the issues of stress and uproot it from the source. Here are some simple ways that will help in coping up with stress in a better way:

1. Meditation & Yoga

A few minutes of calmness insulates the mind. It shields the body. Thus, protecting against all the chaos and clamour of the world outside.

2. Breathing Techniques

Deep breathing is an instant reliever of stress. It calms the nerves and relaxing the tensed muscles. It is a proven tool to combat stress and improve heart health.

3. Stay connected

Melancholy is a common cause of depression and is related to the high risk of cancer death. Staying connected with the people who care and understands can help in dealing with stress in a positive way.

4. Counselling

Going for counselling is often considered a taboo. But isn’t it a smarter choice than dying of disease? Addressing emotional trauma or turbulence is important. It helps in releasing the build-up stress in the body.

5. Exercise

Physical exercise as simple as a 30-minute walk in the park helps. It has shown tremendous results in improving mood as well as uplifting health.

Conclusion: Can stress cause cancer?

After having a close look at the intrinsic details, we would say that it is better to ward off the stress at the earliest. Stress is a known cause of many ails. It affects a person’s well being and impacts their health. Stress hampers the immune system and also damages the DNA.

It is true that the studies and researches have not established a direct relation yet. But we still suggest not to ignore stress. As further researches and studies are surfacing, a cleared statement is sure to come!


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