Cancer is a big cluster of disease that affects a huge populace. Recent times have witnessed a sudden sprout in the number of cancer cases. Blame it on the degrading environment, lifestyle, food habits or ...
Time and again, the importance of breastfeeding is highlighted in bright and bold. It is the first food and elixir for a child. Mother’s milk is a natural immune-booster enriched with essential nutrients. But it ...
It seems baldness has become the symbol of cancer. But does cancer really cause hair loss? The obvious answer is no. Cancer per se does not cause hair loss. But isn’t it one of ...
The first tip to win a war is knowing your enemy well! The news of cancer is the most devastating episode of one’s life. People often go through phases of denial and dejection. Until they ...
The internet is a scary place. Here, so many people have the power to share and absorb information. Sharing false, misleading and half-knowledge has emerged as a big threat. From skin care to cancer care ...
The cure to many diseases is unknown, but the known cause for many of them is stress! The big debate of the moment is can stress cause cancer? Stress triggers a high alert situation in ...
The fear of cancer clings by the throat even after the battle is long over! The storm is gone, the battle is won, cancer is beaten. But the shaken heart still beats in fear. It ...