Do First Things First as Everything Else comes Afterwards Our Honorable Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, has appealed us to stay indoors and observe Janata Curfew Support Janata Curfew on March 22, 2020 Participate in ...
Casual Sex is a raging millennial trend! It has redefined the boundaries of a friend. Some thinks ‘sex’ is the new cool. Some feel sex is empowering. But banning casual sex is actually more than ...
Cervical Cancer is deadly but preventable! Unlike most cancers, the cause of cervical cancer is mostly known. Most cases of cervical cancers trace to the HPV virus. An infection that’s highly preventable. HPV vaccines are ...
Being a parent is hard enough, without having to deal with the harsh realities of life. Here are some tips to overcome trouble spots By christina tom jose Parents would unanimously agree that some topics ...
Monica Vohra, the mother of a cancer survivor child, has helped thousands of underprivileged children struggling with leukemia through her NGO, Leukemia Crusaders. Using her ordeal as a stepping stone, she has been a guardian ...
Aflatoxins are the most common carcinogens that we eat daily! Cancer occurrences are increasing at a volatile rate. And increasing is the pressure to identify the causes!!! Among all, the cases of cervical cancer are ...
Sleeping late is the millennial trend! This generation of night owls trades their sleep for meaningless things. Oblivious of the dark association of Sleep and Cancer! The relationship between Sleep and Cancer is intertwined (twist ...
Food can be your medicine or it can be your poison. It’s up to you!!! Cancer is one of the biggest health concerns pestering the healthcare system worldwide. It is one of the most dreaded ...
Cancer is a big cluster of disease that affects a huge populace. Recent times have witnessed a sudden sprout in the number of cancer cases. Blame it on the degrading environment, lifestyle, food habits or ...
Time and again, the importance of breastfeeding is highlighted in bright and bold. It is the first food and elixir for a child. Mother’s milk is a natural immune-booster enriched with essential nutrients. But it ...