Cervical cancer risk is increased by the day. It ranks in the list of the most common cancers in women. With its incidence rate second only to breast cancer, cervical cancer is a big challenge! ...
Nutritious and Healthy Quinoa Recipes for Break Fast, Lunch & Dinner The air is electrified with health buzz. From fitness goals to food roles, millennials are in a frenzy for healthy bringing! And what’s better ...
Cervical Cancer is deadly but preventable! Unlike most cancers, the cause of cervical cancer is mostly known. Most cases of cervical cancers trace to the HPV virus. An infection that’s highly preventable. HPV vaccines are ...
Come winter, and snacking seems to be a given. And then the cycle sets in the worrying about weight gain, a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, paying up that annual gym membership when January ...
Recently I got this disturbing message!!! “Food cooked in microwave oven is bad for humans. Also, the Japanese Government is likely to ban the use of microwave oven!” Nothing could be further than the truth. ...
Aflatoxins are the most common carcinogens that we eat daily! Cancer occurrences are increasing at a volatile rate. And increasing is the pressure to identify the causes!!! Among all, the cases of cervical cancer are ...
Food can be your medicine or it can be your poison. It’s up to you!!! Cancer is one of the biggest health concerns pestering the healthcare system worldwide. It is one of the most dreaded ...
A 70-year-old cancer survivor has set up and maintains around 100 matkas in South Delhi to provide water to the underprivileged By Rajalakshmy R Long before organic farming became a hip word, a little panchayat ...
More fruits and vegetables, especially of the cruciferous kind, can help keep cancer at bay By Dr Ulhas Ganu From what we have seen so far, we know that food is a complex matter. While ...
Indian winters vary in strength widely across different parts of the country. But for a country obsessed with sweets, delicacies made with winter vegetables and spices are a must-savour. Palak Paratha You’ll need: • 250g ...