Reducing free and added sugar consumption makes sense, and reduces cancer risk By Dr. Ulhas Ganu Among proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, minerals, and water—which is considered to be important nutrients—while the amount of protein to ...
A lot has been spoken about the innumerable health hazards caused by high sugar intake. But how much is too much? With contradictory suggestions and mixed reviews, it appears to be a blurry line. Nutrition ...
Shanmukhi mudra Yoga is yogic hand gesture. It represents closing of six gates of perception. These six gates comprises of the mouth, nose, the ears and the eyes. Shanmukhi mudra is a term drawn from ...
There is an increase in consumption of sugar and sugary drinks worldwide in the last few decades and its adverse impact on the cardio-metabolic health of humans is well known. The health-related problems are thought ...
YOGA: Yoga is the best and effective discipline to improve or develop one’s inherent power in a balanced manner. Invented and developed in India about 5000 years ago. Yoga was first mentioned in the oldest ...
Prana Mudra Yoga improves breathing By Dr. Ulhas Ganu Genesis of Prana Mudra Yoga Prana in Sanskrit means life. Mudra in Sanskrit means Pleasure. Mudra has been defined as the activity which brings pleasure or ...
Consumption of 100% fruit juice was also associated with risk of breast and other cancer. By Dr. Ulhas Ganu The topic of sugar consumption reduction has been trending the charts for over a decade. Of ...
By Dr Ulhas Ganu The genesis of Mahalaxmi Mudra Yoga: Points to Remember: Method of performing Mahalaxmi Mudra Yoga : 1. Sit in Padmasana or any other comfortable position. Eyes are closed. 2. Fold arms ...
More fruits and vegetables, especially of the cruciferous kind, can help keep cancer at bay By Dr Ulhas Ganu From what we have seen so far, we know that food is a complex matter. While ...
पर्वतासन Genesis of Parvatasana (Mountain Pose) Yoga: Parvat (पर्वत) in Sanskrit means Mountain Asana means Posture or Pose Parvatasana is Mountain Pose. The analogy is manifested as the legs are locked in Padmasana. This provides ...