Upcoming Events – June 2018

4th Experts Meeting on Gynecologic Oncology, Reproductive Disorders, Maternal-Fetal Medicine & Obstetrics

The theme of the meet is Expanding The Possibilities of Women’s Health Care, and it covers sessions on subjects ranging from gynecologic surgery to reproductive disorders.
Where: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
When: July 18-19, 2018
Where to Register: https://bit.ly/2Ii2wMS
29th Euro-Global Summit on Cancer Therapy and Radiation Oncology

Tracking new and improved technology and progress in cancer therapy and diagnostics is vital for oncologists and this is the focus of the summit, which also has a session dedicated to robotic oncology.
Where: Rome, Italy
When: July 23-25, 2018
Where to Register: https://bit.ly/2KiXjFf
12th World Cancer Congress

‘Gather for No Cancer Destiny’ is the pivotal theme of the World Cancer Congress, and the focus is on cutting-edge research that will eliminate cancer. New and improved cancer therapies will also be discussed.
Where: Moscow, Russia
When: July 23-25, 2018
Where to Register: https://bit.ly/2rKJbxZ
Best of ASCO – 2018

One of the most awaited events on the global oncology calendar, the educational conference brings to the fore all the highlights from the year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists.
Where: Coimbatore
When: July 6-8, 2018
Where to Register: https://bit.ly/2Gedlhd
World Congress on Cancer Science and Therapy

A research-oriented event, the conference will address topics related to cancer cell biology, tumor immunology, immunotherapy and cancer metastasis, among others.
Where: Chicago, USA
When : August 13-14, 2018
Where to Register: https://bit.ly/2Ib51EO
World Cancer Summit 2018

This year’s World Cancer Summit revolves around an ambitious theme: exploring the possibilities in closing the era of cancer. The goals of the conference include bridging the gaps between the various agencies to find futuristic results towards eliminating cancer and finding an effective cancer cure.
Where: Bangkok, Thailand
When: July 2-3, 2018
Where to Register: https://bit.ly/2FcUIda