The golden spice is a natural healer. It has the potential to prevent heart diseases, skin allergies, cold, cough, and even cancer. One of the oldest Indian kitchen spices, turmeric is now reckoned as a ...
Your health and wellness are not correlated with how many abs you see in the mirror! Six-pack abs is the new-fanged craze! From top-rated celebrities to self-proclaimed fitness geeks, everyone is sweating it out for ...
Insomnia is when you spend the nights overthinking and mornings oversleeping! There is nothing more blissful than falling into a deep slumber after a long tiring day. But for some, sleep may not come that easily. ...
Celebrating the month of cervical cancer awareness, we bring to you the latest insights on Cervical Cancer. Read to know: What is cervical cancer? Symptoms. Risks. Causes. Prevention. Treatment. Cervical cancer is the cancer of ...
Whether you are a theist or atheist, prayers can bring you immense health benefits! Prayer is often perceived as a religious practice. But recently researchers revealed the hidden health benefits of prayers! Before unveiling those ...
Cervical cancer risk is increased by the day. It ranks in the list of the most common cancers in women. With its incidence rate second only to breast cancer, cervical cancer is a big challenge! ...
The pacing life and taxing work have made the world a grumpy place. I mean, look out in the street. Everyone looks stressed. How many are smiling? It’s all tired bodies and gloomy faces loitering ...
20 Things every working woman should do Life is tough. But it is a bit tougher for a working woman. Especially, if she wears the added crowns of being a wife and mother! Hustling through ...
Menstruation, Pregnancy, Maternity, and Menopause, women sacrifice their sleep silently! Not to forget the hormones, stress and emotional rush that keep her awake all night long! So, yes women need more sleep than men! It’s ...
ZenOnco is India’s first Integrative Oncology centre founded by committed caregivers Dimple Parmar and Kishan Shah after they lost their loved one to cancer. While Dimple lost her husband to cancer, Kishan saw the suffering ...