Easy Access to Your Doc – CaringBridge
Worried about a friend or a relative going through a medical crisis? The CaringBridge app may be right for you. The app allows users to communicate and connect with friends and family during a health crisis, making the entire experience easier and less painful. The app is free to use, available to anyone and can be used on a variety of mobile devices and tablets.
Established in 1997, CaringBridge is a non-profit organization that is powered by donor support and individual contributions. The service provided by the organization empowers the patients and caregivers to share medical updates with loved ones through private and personal websites. Family and friends are allowed access through personal website address (URL) and password so that they can keep up with the patient’s condition, as well as post messages of support. So far, over 70,000 CaringBridge sites have been created worldwide for a variety of medical conditions.
While cancer survivors who are undergoing treatment and coping with recovery need a lot of emotional support, people may hesitate to contact them for the fear of intrusion. And for the caregivers, it is difficult to have to keep repeating the same details over and over again to different people.
CaringBridge resolves both these problems by providing a place where the patients and the caregivers can share medical updates, messages, photos, and videos with everyone who cares about them. For all of them, this is the space where they will find emotional support to help them through the journey. A CaringBridge website is personal, protected and ad-free. Its privacy can be controlled by customizing the setting, and in addition, personal details are never sold to anyone by the organization.
Since the design and the add-ons are selected by the users, every CaringBridge website is personalised and unique documentation of an individual’s health journey. While it eases the burden of keeping loved ones informed about the patient’s condition, it also allows visitors to send messages of love and support in the guestbook. This creates an entire community for the patient and the caregivers to turn to for support during difficult times. For easy access, the CaringBridge users can simply add the website icon to the homescreen of their gadget (without downloading the app). Then all it takes is a click on the icon to visit the website: a quick and convenient way to spread hope and compassion and make each health journey easier and happier.
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The App Way To Better Health