Easy Access to Your Doc – LogonDr

LogonDr, a product of WeAppLabs, is a platform to create a personally branded app for doctors with features that help both doctors and patients to ‘enhance, engage, promote and reduce’! While enhancing the quality of medical care, it adds depth to the doctor-patient relationship by constant engagement and reduces the stress-inducing factors in a patient’s life. The LogonDr app allows authorized personnel (patient, caregiver, staff) to schedule, reschedule or cancel appointments for a given time slot. More importantly, the app organizes the appointments to ensure a minimum wait time.

Definitely a win-win situation for both, the doctor and the patient. Constant communication with the doctor, through texts and video chats, is a vital factor in keeping cancer survivors motivated and safe during therapy. This is because symptoms, which seem commonplace, could prove to be life-threatening for cancer survivors.
For example, constipation or fever, which are possible side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, needs immediate diagnosis and SOS treatment in cancer survivors. This feature is also useful for patients who are unable to meet their doctor for their regular, scheduled appointments. They can use the app to share or update medical reports and use the chat/video feature to talk to their doctor.
For cancer survivors, documentation of their entire health journey is very important and LogonDr helps them to do just that. It assists in organizing the reports relating to detection, tests, treatments and medical summaries. It files all the documentation in a systematic manner of episodes and encounters, keeping the patient happy and stress-free. This app allows the users to share and store their documents on the cloud for an unlimited period of time.
For Cancer Survivors, Documentation Of Their Entire Health Journey Is Very Important And LogonDr Helps Them To Do Just That.
LogonDr uses encrypted data to ensure the privacy and safety of all the patient information. This app has a provision for ordering pathology test and buying medicines if the doctor has customized this feature. In addition, the doctor can use the communication feature of LogonDr to share articles and useful information with their patients to ensure that they stay updated on their medical condition. LogonDr also helps cancer survivors to maintain discipline in their lives by setting reminders about diet recommendations, medicine consumption, doctor’s appointment, etc. This is especially useful for easing the survivors back into the rigors of their daily life.

The app also has multiple payment methods and can be used as a one-stop payment option for all medical needs, including appointments, tests, treatment, and medicines. LogonDr can be an invaluable assistant for cancer survivors, both while undergoing therapy and during the rehabilitation process.
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